I Need a Conference Buddy

Conference Buddy

I need a conference buddy

It dawned on me

Standing alone in a big marble shower this morning

Looking through crystal clear anti-fog glass

Into the full size mirror

Allowing the perfect view of….


“I need a conference buddy!”

Someone to share dinner with

Someone to tare up a hotel bed with

Someone to sleep with and wake up with

Someone to fuck like slippery wet animals in the shower

Watching ourselves in the mirror

I need a conference buddy!!

With that said,

I will be taking applications all next week

For a conference buddy on retainer

If you are interested, please send your qualifications to


Note: There is lots of HARD work involved, but the benefits are very satisfying


Sweet Release

t3Feather to nipple

Bound and blindfolded sensing

Perfect agony

On sensual precipice

Awaiting your sweet release

*** Thank you to bruisedbelly for the picture. She knows me well. Please check her out on the Migraine Chronicles.  She has been on a tare lately so you’ll be glad you clicked her link.   😉

The Meeting ~ A Duet

The idea for this post was all Bruisedbelly and I am grateful she wanted to work together on it. She is a wonderful woman with a lot to offer. Please take the short trip over to her site if you haven’t already done so. This meeting was amazing to say the least. 🙂

The Migraine Chronicles


A duet with my wonderful Boss (I mean writing partner) Mr. Nottooold2.  As always, a pleasurable experience.  For more reading pleasure head over to his site Insecurely Confident and have a look.

A meeting is scheduled
in the conference room,
the time
half past two.

The attendees

The topic is heated
so are we
we debate and negotiate
until we agree.
You pump me with ideas
thoughts coincide

Your first offer is hard
to accept, but I do so
Spreading it out
on the conference table,
we get down to brass tacks.

You drive a hard bargain, Sir
but I thoroughly enjoy your
negotiating techniques.
A meeting of the minds
to say the least.

Our contract
it’s always pleasurable
doing business
with a man like you.

He asked:
Are you open to
hammer out another deal
next week?

(To be continued….)

View original post

Soft Sex

It Starts 1.2

Right now I feel soft

for lack of a word

no roughness tonight

only whispers are heard


Touching you gently

effleurage on your skin

dancing lips down your back

stirring desire within


Taking our time

let’s make it last

now is for Us

the past is the past


I just need to feel you

from head and to toe

o’er each supple curve

my hands they will flow


To bring you such pleasure

my only desire

as your sweet release

pours gas on my fire


Slow and so steady

you feeling me full

inch by hard inch

with passions hot pull


Kissing you deeply

a resonant groan

my shuttering climax

brings mutual moan




Her Rough Day















She burst through the door

Her clothing it trailed

the words came like bullets

I need to get nailed

My day was for shit

bad all around

get your shaft over here

And prep it to pound

Don’t you dare make sweet love

No, nothing so tender

rattle my bones

tonight I surrender

Swat my ass hard

I need it to sting

Release all this shit

And my body will sing

So I took control

of her body and mind

knocked it out hard

to help her unwind

She smiles as she’s sleeping

angelic and fine

days such as this

I’m lucky she’s mine

Water Nap

Water Nap Water Nap1

Placid morning waters

Smooth and placid like glass

Engine fires and rumbles

Test the laws of speed and mass

The river awaits our morning dance

With shimmering taunt and tease

50 feet of rope outstretched

Me on sore and bended knees

Wide-ass open, trim set right

50 miles per hour or so

Drop the trim and cut the wheel

It’s time to start this show

Over the wake and to the right

Biceps tight and strong

Accelerating at unknown rate

This shit won’t last too long

Centripetal force, a funny thing

Exponentially gaining speed

20yrs old and bullet proof

The warnings not to heed

Today I fumbled through the math

It’s not my strength you see

Ballpark speed at maximum whip

Somewhere in the 70’s

I took a little water nap

Expected to some degree

Shit can happen to a guy

When miles per hour hit 73

** The next installments of my youthful adventures will chronicle the fun and frivolity of jumping out of a boat at 55mph (just to see if I could do it without getting hurt – I did….but only the first time) and the (other) nap I took riding motocross. Fun stuff.

Happy Birthday Tricia

Happy Birthday Tricia!!!

I’ve always wanted for you what you’ve wanted for yourself
and yet I wanted to save us high water or hell
and I kept on ignoring the ambivalence you felt
and in the meantime I lost myself
in the meantime I lost myself
I’m sorry I lost myself – I am

Lyrics: Alanis Morrisette – That Particular Time

I am Me (again)

Sleeping lion

I am the me that once was

The me I believe you once loved

The me I believe you once respected

Before I lost control

Control I never lose

But I did, because I lost You

I should never have shown you my weakness

The weakness you begged to see

The weakness I should have kept hidden from you

I knew better than to show it

So I trusted you to hold it

But you advertised it to the world

That is what hurts the most

All your demons I held

I still hold, privately, securely, safely and always will

They are safe with me

If only the opposite were true

But it isn’t, so….

These days I sit in reflective silence

Softly pondering the “what if’s” and “why’s” of it all

But the thoughts do not haunt me anymore

I am once again in control

I am ME once more

Stoic and poised as I should be

But the genie is out of your heart’s bottle

And you are not the type to forget

Or forgive

In the quiet moments of solitude

In the songs on the radio

And the constant melody in my head

You will forever dance

I found myself because of you

I lost myself because of you

I lost my mind for you

I regained control for my sanity

And now I can rest peacefully

Love always