She Wanted to Soar


She said she wanted to soar

to drift on a warm summer breeze.

How could I refuse such a request?

With grown-up hands a child-like plane I did craft.

The perfect vehicle to carry her anywhere her heart desired

for paper is all that is needed to carry a dream or a spirit.



Our Moonlight (A Duet with Bruisedbelly)

Our Moonlight (A Duet with Bruisedbelly)

It has been a while since bruisedbelly and I have posted individually or together.  So it is a special thing to me that she came out of “retirement” to help complete this short, spur of the moment piece.  Thank you BB.  XO

**BB is not posting much these days, but please peruse her blog and treat yourself to what she has shared of herself.


Deeper than words the two of Us are

Far beyond a nighttime constellation

With two lost souls, We collided in space

Colliding comets come face to face


To share Our moon so bright and true

Silhouetting the image in our minds  

Stay with me babe, year upon year

Heart held memories lasting forever


Our moon, Our stars in one shared sky

To gaze upon them, suspends time

As one moment grows into another

Our connection grows ever stronger


Yes, I’ll stay with you for all eternity

In fact my dear, we’ll make history

Deeper than words We certainty are

For our words are written upon the stars



Beyond Words

Poetry and writing

Reality and fiction

We all bare our hearts and souls in this place

Our fears, love, joy and pain

Shared with people we know

and with total strangers

But do they really hears us?

Can they feel what we write on the level we write it?

Can they make all our words about love, pain and sex superfluous?

We only have our words to express ourselves here

But there is something deeper out there

And it’s real


In this season of love and peace

I wish that all will find that special someone who hears you

Beyond words

Lick Me – A Duet

A duet from bruisedbelly and nottooold2


Don’t apologize to me

Don’t ever say you’re sorry

Feel what you feel

Perception always real


For if the word is spoken

This promised not in token

With smack upon your butt

Your mouth will surly shut


Apologize with a kiss

An open mouthed lick

Acceptance of apology

Only when you lick me

Your words you may keep

They mean nothing to me

If you must apologize

Lick the inside of my thighs

Tongue to flesh so sweet

Don’t you dare retreat

From knee up to your crease

You’ll beg for sweet release

At times you’re feeling lost

And oft times need be bossed

So put your mind at ease

But hold your apologies


A licking not soon forgot

Quivering, and oh so hot

So down on your knee

When I say, “Lick me”

If you enjoyed reading our little romp, do yourself a favor and visit bruisedbelly’s blog. She is far more than simply a pretty face with a beautiful (and yes, sometimes naughty) mind.

Morning’s Tender

A duet by nottooold2 and bruisedbelly.


In dappled sunlight, morning’s dream

Sweet beginning, last night’s steam

Blankets askew, sheets asunder

Dawn so tranquil, Midnight’s thunder


To touch your cheek, a smile does bloom

Daylight minds adrift, in dark they did consume

Passion’s scent, on air does linger

On sweet moist lips, does dance a finger


Eyes flicker open, see your smiling face

Snuggle in closer, my lovers embrace

Breathe you in, bring night to morn

Savor this moment, treasure not mourn


Slight blush to cheeks, a giggle too

Recalling those things, we secretly do

Thunder of night, bring mornings tender

From lightning bolt, to sweetest surrender


Lay with me dear, so close and serene

To worship you as, a king to his queen

Ruling our world, this bed for a throne

Apart or together, but never alone


With heavenly kisses, on skin my lips dance

To savor your essence, and pleasure enhance

Your soul’s fulfillment, my only desire

‘Tis setting ablaze, this passionate fire


With morning caress, sparks ignite once more

Embers still warm, burn through my core

My king and my love, my mornings first kiss

Awaken me dear, with loves renewed bliss

My wonderful writing partner (the lovely and gracious Bruisedbelly) was responsible for the existence of this post.  I’ve been crazy busy with work and baseball that any writing I do is either in an e-mail, spread sheet or scorebook.  Her gentle nudge made it just fall together…as her nudges always do.  Thanks babe. Once again, you made this happen.  😉

The Words She Doesn’t Say

It’s been said

thought cannot exist

without words



the basis of thought

and language



Quick, think of something

anything at all

without thinking of the word for that thing


Can you?

Did you?



Maybe not


If the above is true

there is one thing I know

and it defies reason and logic


I hear the words she doesn’t say


The thoughts she has

without a single syllable or intonation


From miles away

yet they are clear to me

resonating in my head and heart


What a wonderful gift

we share, she and I


Without words

Our Own Music (A Duet)

We never said it would be easy

This life we’ve entered into

Both coming with armfulls of baggage

Both with bit of skewed view


We can handle all the baggage

What matters now is me and you

Apart, together in word and rhyme

We do the best that we can do


Making our own music

Dancing in our own time

Apart, together we go

Your hand holding mine


Hand in hand, heart to heart

Our thread and private tune

Cacophony of outside noise

To us is picayune


The slightest things in fact so great

When shared with generosity

All is great when affection blooms

This wonderful spontaneity


 So let the world throw its fit

It can’t affect the two of us

Focusing on each other’s face

To outside folly oblivious


Once again my dear partner, bruisedbelly at the Migraine Chronicles , has made this experience far more enjoyable than it would have been as a solo endeavor.  She is an incredible woman.  Please do yourself a favor and visit her page.  There is truly something there for everyone.   🙂